Learn Together
Tending Your Ecosystem
Welcome to the sanctuary that places you at the center of your life. A course that supports you in cultivating rituals for living your most intentional life.
We'll gather live online for six weeks to develop practices, perspectives, and permission to live from your intuition, communicate with the unseen realms, effectively embody your world-changing power, and cultivate the delicious life you're here to live.
Why go on this journey?

Internal liberation is collective liberation. When we live guided by our deep wisdom and intuition, we step into our power of choice and creativity, allowing for true and innovative responses to the world's challenges. Embodying freedom, response-ability and sovereignty, we live in alignment with nature.
Developing our intuition and communication with the more-than-human realms is a way to locate ourselves within the all-that-is. In this course, you'll be supported in creating the habits and rituals that connect you to your support systems (seen and unseen).
What is it?
Through tapping into the technology and wisdom of your body (with gentle guided movement practices), teachings on ritual, and guided visualizations and journaling, we'll explore accessing the superpower of your imagination, developing energetic hygiene, and setting up a daily practice that actually sticks.
This work is especially attuned to bodies that have often not been honored in "healing" spaces - for instance, melanated bodies, disabled and ill bodies, queer and genderqueer bodies, fat bodies, and bodies that don't feel "flexible."

Are you ready to
- experience what grounding, being centered, in dedication to the planet, true service, and connection to the all-that-is actually looks like in your life, cultivated by you?
- create the daily life structure that supports you in autonomously directing your life force?
- create the foundation from which you can craft the life and impact you desire?
How will we do it?
This course will help you assess what needs mending or tending along the riverbank of the river of your life. Each week, we will practice slowing down to listen to the body, interact with a somatic practice, learn ritual skills, get specific on the habits your life is asking for, and also what your life is asking you to release. All in a gentle and supportive environment, alongside others who are also engaging their sovereignty and deeper connection to the world around them.

This course supports you in living a ritualized life, a life that is fertile soil for nurturing your most embodied, intentional, and interconnected self. It also provides the foundation for Sufia's plant medicine immersion courses starting later this Fall.

Tending Your Ecosystem
We'll meet live online for six weeks:
September 27 - November 1
Wednesdays from 7-8:30 pm ET
The sanctuary will be open for 1 hour and 15 mins, with 15 additional mins for optional discussion and Q&A
Standard rate: $375
Supporter rate: $430
(this rate helps fund course scholarships)
Course Themes
Week 1: Tending the Terrain
Week 2: Weeding & Composting
Week 3: Soil Regeneration
Week 4: Seed Sowing
Week 5: Fertilizing & Sustaining
Week 6: Harvesting, Medicine Making & Celebration
- Grounding in why this work is important, and what it makes possible in our lives and in the world
- Intention setting, clarifying where you are so you can understand what you want to create
- Energetic hygiene
- Assessing what in your life is no longer serving you
- Identifying the stories you keep hearing yourself tell that you're ready to release
- Getting clear on your consistent patterns of challenge
- Dreaming your wildest dreams
- Accessing permission
- Identifying what needs to be added into your ecosystem
- Identifying your new story
- Seed selecting, getting specific
- Understanding the power of imagination
- Steady nourishment before a sprout is visible
- Owning the currency of your attention
- Establish methods for noticing growth as it happens
- Honoring your growth and shifts
- Recognizing what offerings for the earth and your life are possible now
- Celebrating and continuing consistency

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a particular spiritual or religious background?
No, this work is based on messages from nature, not a particular tradition. Energies that support this container are Earth, Sky, Fire, Water, Wind, & Ether - energies that can be witnessed and learned from by everyone because of their inherent interconnectedness with nature, and simply because of being a Being on this planet.
Do I need special equipment or tools for this course?
Access to the internet and a computer is all that is needed. You'll be able to access the course by opening the private link in your web browser (not Zoom). Access to a quiet, comfortable space and a journal dedicated to this course are highly recommended.
We'll be discussing and implementing many tools and practices, so you'll likely find you want to incorporate things like a yoga mat, candles, essential oils, or other comfort items, but none of these are required for participation.
Are there prerequisites or particular knowledge needed?
Nope, just a desire for this type of growth. A sense of curiosity and willingness to practice gentleness with yourself will be immensely helpful.
Note, this course serves as the foundation for Sufia's plant medicine immersion courses coming later in Fall.
Course payment
Payment is made at time of registration and secures your spot in the course. If needed, reach out to Sufia to ask about payment plan or scholarship options.
In order to fund scholarships for those who need them, we're seeking sponsors in addition to folks contributing at the Supporter Rate.
Please reach out to Sufia if you or someone you know is interested in sponsoring course participants.
What are the course logistics?
- We'll meet online (live) every Wednesday starting Sept. 27 and ending Nov. 1, from 7:00-8:30pm ET.
- A meeting link (not Zoom) will be sent in your registration email.
- The course costs $375 (the Supporter Rate of $430 helps to fund course scholarships).
Who is the course instructor?
Sufia Ikbal-Doucet (they/them) is the guide and instructor for this journey. Sufia has a background in energy work, yoga, herbalism, community organizing, visual art, filmmaking, and being in love with the Earth.
They weave these paths together in wondrous devotion of living an intentional life and pleasurably embodying their purpose. They are most filled with passion when facilitating others' connection to the Magic, Mystery, and Beauty around them. You can read more about Sufia here.
Register now for
Tending Your Ecosystem
Learning to honor and listen to the wisdom of our bodies and our planet is a practice, one that can be delicious, effective, and expansive. Let's practice together.